Appreciate the Tough Stuff

Exciting things are just around the corner with Impact Actual. New Lion Journals in stock, new journal bundles to include signed copies of Powerful Peace and Impact challenge coins (“our program in your pocket”), and much more. It all starts July 1, because that’s the final half year of this first quarter of this century.

Imagine that — in six months, the 21st Century will be one quarter DONE. And with all the strife and uncertainty in the United States and in the world, some days we may feel unsure or even un-hopeful about the next three quarters.

Just look at this first of the 2024 debacles…I mean, debates.

And that’s why I’m sharing this image and this message, at this beginning of the new month — over thirty years ago, I went through the first of several prisoner-of-war schools I would complete during my Navy career as a spy and a SEAL. And as you can see here, an extended period of starving, freezing, sleep deprivation, beatings, and an assortment of other highly effective “enhanced interrogation” methods will take a toll on even a fit young warrior.

But it didn’t kill me. This was my moment of triumph over the training.

And I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

Because the moment captured in this image, and a million other moments like it, have made me the Rob DuBois I am today, with all the dents and scrapes — and knowledge, confidence, and insight — which can only come from experience.

So don’t pity yourself for your hard times. Rather, give thanks to God (my choice), or the universe, or just silly fickle fate for the adversity you have met and overcome. As I recently read in a friend’s post, “You have survived 100% of your worst days.” (Thanks, @MarcusTorgerson!)

How much better off are you for having endured them?

How much more can you endure, and accomplish, in the future, because of them?

Now, life’s not all about suffering, and those who spend a little too much time in the pity party about their suffering are actually spending time in a state of false pride — also not a good thing.

But we’ll talk much more about how to do life right, to grow to give, in this imminent July campaign. For now, let me leave you with a strong encouragement: it ain’t over ‘til it’s over, and while there’s breath, there’s hope.

While you have breath in your lungs, make this life a choose-your-own-adventure and let’s see just how far we can go.

– Rob

PS: want to get a jump start on this drive to thrive? Book a no-cost Discovery Call — a full coaching session with me — and I’ll deliver you actionable steps to advance in your unique situation. If it seems appropriate to us both, I’ll tell you about how to do one-on-one Impact Coaching together, or point you toward some of our coursework, or even offer steps you can take to become another Impact Coach in our community…but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Click and book:

Rob DuBois