Life Coaches & Training for High-Performance Humans

Connect with world-class professionals to get on the world-class path you’ve been dreaming of. Our founder, Rob DuBois, is a retired U.S. Navy SEAL. The professional coaches and trainers at Impact Actual also include military fighter pilots, business owners and entrepreneurs, career law enforcement, financial experts, non-profit and corporate executives, and more. Whatever you need to get to the next level…we’ve been there, and we’ve done that.

You feel something’s missing. Or maybe you know you ought to be more successful. And/or you want to be more loving and loved, more helpful and valued. If any of these sounds like you, then working with an insightful, engaged, and experienced life coach — an “Impact Coach” — with Impact Actual can change everything for you.

Impact Actual founder & life coach, Rob DuBois, life coaching course.

Finding yourself here at our site can be the first step in your self-improvement journey…IF you take action and become involved. As Impact Actual, we're a life coaching and training company founded by retired U.S. Navy SEAL Rob DuBois. Our diverse group of life coaches, our online courses, and our community are ready to make a difference in your life.

If you've searched for "life coaches near me” before but stopped short of signing up, we understand.

At Impact Actual, we're about much more than ordinary life coaching. We operate with a distinct philosophy to help you reach your full potential. With us you’ll understand yourself better; learn to balance and align your “super powers” of Body, Mind, Heart, and Soul; challenge yourself with ruthless honesty; and apply new skills to live a life of deep impact.


You can get much more out of life coaching and working with Impact Actual because we’re a comprehensive training company — because YOU are a complex and holistic human being.

One of the reasons you can get much more out of life coaching with Impact Actual is that we're a more well-rounded training company. Others focus on one or two areas, like career or relationships; we are comprehensive and offer it all. Our coaches understand that you need to be better prepared to succeed across the board, no matter what life throws at you. We help you prepare yourself for anything.

With Impact Actual, you'll find life coaches experienced in many areas, but all sharing our unique methodology and mindset – the Impact System. Every day, we see it improve  lives.


All human beings are designed uniquely and have the desire to make a personal impact

Each of us is born with five powers: Body, Mind, Heart, Soul, and Done (healthy boundaries)

We become powerful when we discover and integrate all parts of ourselves

All parts of our lives become better when we make ourselves better – love, home, work

When we apply our personalized "Impact System," our lives are transformed

The concepts become second nature; they are easy to learn and apply

When you learn to treat yourself with dignity and respect, you'll build an unbreakable new foundation for your life. Founder Rob DuBois and our Impact Coaches will teach you to relentlessly shred your limiting beliefs and behaviors.

In the process, you'll also learn to understand the complex interplay of the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your being – and life. You'll gain the power to train those unique capacities, learn to integrate them to work together, and begin a life pattern that brings your dreams to reality. Yes, you really can do it!

About Our Founder, Rob DuBois

Impact Actual and the Impact System didn’t happen by accident. They are the direct result of one man’s decades of lived experiences and, more importantly, his learning from them.

Our founder, Rob DuBois, lived a youth of indecision and lack of the ability to make things happen because of deeply ingrained and self-limiting beliefs. In short, he didn't believe good things could – or should – happen to him. That may sound familiar to you.

For Rob, in early life, the pendulum would swing between spectacular gestures for attention and approval and a darker side of addiction, self-hatred, and even suicidal thoughts. Luckily, some friends who had been through similar experiences extended helping hands and guided him out.

But what Rob realized standing on the threshold of turning around his life was that it's an ongoing process that takes ongoing work. Later, he became a U.S. Navy SEAL, raised a family, and created the Impact Coaches.

The Idea that Built Impact Actual

Rob's message to you is that you can have it all: the many pleasures and privileges of life are not mutually exclusive. You can enjoy life, experience fulfillment, and make a serious contribution.

But you need a way to get there, and that's where the Impact System comes in. Maybe you're successful at work but feeling empty about the rest of your life, or you are happy at home but stuck in your career. You deserve more than watching from the sidelines when others seem to have it all. Impact Actual coaches and courses can show you how to enjoy family, friends, and life in general – and find material success.

Timeline: Impact Actual Since The Beginning


Rob Begins Solo Impact Coaching


Impact Actual is Founded


Impact UNCHAINED Course is Launched


First Impact Coaches Certified


Post-COVID Rebirth of Impact Actual


BEDROCK Course, #SWIM Challenge, and More Launched

Working with an Impact Actual Life Coach – Your “Impact Coach” – What Happens?

You'll benefit more from working with an Impact Actual life coach because we take the holistic approach. We emphasize the quality and character of the individual, and take the focus off of tips and tricks to success.

We’ll empower you to move beyond doubts and fears, release self-limiting behaviors, and grow fully into your unique design. Become a Man or Woman of Impact.




When you develop self-awareness, self-esteem, and perspective about what really matters, everything else just works better. Let us help you start pouring your energy into meaning and productivity, so relationship success, business success, and a thriving personal and social life can fall into place in the space you create.

Impact Actual vs. Other Life Coaches: The Differences

Today, the world is flooded with life coaching companies and thousands of life coaches – most with the best of intentions. They genuinely desire to help people.

But all too often, most of those coaches view their work as a career choice. They've learned the basics, and a few theories, and apply that to their clients. But they are untested in the harsher side of life – scars, doubts, fears, and failings – and what it truly takes to turn those into victories. They are not taught to be accountable for a deep understanding of hurt people and how to come at the relationship from a place of love, compassion, and humor.

Our coaches are the opposite. Although their life experiences are vastly different, they are very much tested and proven in life. We've been fighter pilots, church leaders, financial experts, cops (AND robbers), and dancers on some of the world's most renowned stages.

Our experiences authentically connect us to our clients and what they are facing.

Need Corporate Group Training Sessions?

By addressing individual character, we train corporate groups in high-performance skills to help them become much more effective teams. Companies benefit dramatically when people think and act ethically and with a mission focus at all levels.

Our Corporate Trainers:
Leadership life coaching with Rob DuBois, Impact Actual.

Engage directly with leaders and leadership groups. They focus on improving each individual's self-awareness and help build more effective relationships among team members.

Former U.S. Navy Seal, Rob DuBois, life coach near me.

Create shared experiences of mutual respect, service, and a mindset on the mission. It's a people-focused approach that achieves what too many marketing materials promise but don't deliver.

Life coaching program for leaders, Impact Actual.

Understand and teach others that everyone is a worthwhile human being who can play a valuable role – whether corporate leaders, outside stakeholders, or team members the organization.

One of the most significant “a-ha” moments in Impact Actual corporate training sessions is where to find the solution to people problems. It requires improved respect, greater trust, and higher personal and corporate accountability, not more slogans and cheap teambuilding gimmicks.

Senior-level people and others in management often are unaware of their influence on others in the organization. Subordinates will sometimes try to get away with what they see others doing. Hiring people with the best credentials only works out if those people can work well with others, act ethically in the workplace, and lead healthy, well-adjusted lives. People problems are at the root of most corporate issues, and can be identified and solved when individual character is a priority.

Are You Already a Life Coach? Want to Step Up to Impact Actual?

If you're already a life coach or are considering becoming one, getting certified with Impact Actual is a personal game changer.

Our Impact Coaches live our philosophy and bring our practices to life – each goes through the crucible of months in our proprietary training program similar to the one our non-coach students experience: the Impact Bedrock Course  and the Unchained course, just to get started.

We combine the training with Accountability Coaching with founder Rob DuBois, then add coaching fundamentals instruction with Jason Rowinski, our Director of Development. These two principals guide new Impact Coaches through everything their clients will experience in the years to come.

Training life coaches is serious work. There are no shortcuts, and all this rigor is fundamental to our program’s success. Impact Coaches must be worthy of leading others. They are already accomplished in business, government, or public or private service careers.

When we train coaches, our process guarantees that every Impact Coach will honor the deep trust being given by another human being. Whether it's Impact Coaching with individual clients or facilitating our Impact Actual programs and courses, our coaches are fully invested. They care about clients' lives, hopes, fears, and dreams.

Meet Life Coaches for Men and Women

The Impact Actual leaders, our "Lions," make up the leadership team and are the five executive Impact Coaches. These are our CEO, Executive Administrator, and the Directors of Finance, Development, and Sales. These and other Impact Coaches come from a wide range of backgrounds:

Finance and business experts


Military trainers and transition leaders

Elite athletes

Government, religious, and non-profit leaders

Sales executives

Professional artists and performers

Law enforcement professionals

Our Impact Coaches can guide, support, and empower any man or woman who is ready to grow.

We've been in business since 2006, growing from Rob DuBois' one-man life coaching operation to a well-rounded personal, corporate, and executive training and coaching firm.

Want to learn more about the improvement Impact Actual can bring to your life? Reach out and get in touch with us today. You have many options and can pick the one that's right for you – courses that can change your life, one-on-one coaching with Rob, becoming a certified Impact Coach, or talking through a challenging issue you're facing. Whatever your interest, just click here to schedule a no-cost initial Discovery Call with founder Rob DuBois.

Are you ready to live your dreams and be an asset to the world? We’re ready to help you get there.